Artist Profile:
Dave Curtis
My love for music began as a child when I started piano lessons, however, I always liked making up my own songs rather than playing the ones the teacher wanted me to.
As I got older, I started singing in a band and got very proficient at coming up with good, catchy melodies. coque iphone 8 The only problem was the music. coque iphone pas cher Since I had no understanding of music theory, the more I tried to convey my ideas to other musicians, the more frustrated I got. coque iphone Although I had many successes and wrote many songs, I always felt there was a better way… there was.
My first solution was to play piano and guitar myself, so I could figure out all the parts. Although this helped with the communication problem, I would still find myself with a great, catchy melody, trying hundreds of chords, hoping I would stumble onto the right ones, or having a great part that I couldn’t get to go with anything else.
Finally, out of sheer frustration, in Feb. soldes coque iphone 1991 I went to study music theory with Rick Barda, Alumni of Berkley, G.I.T. acheter coque iphone and Dick Grove School of Music. coque iphone x I finally found the answers I was looking for and have been studying music theory ever since.
I have organized and simplified the best of everything I have learned into several courses that are both easy to learn and use, including a 5 Guitar books ,3 Bass Books and several Play Along and Practice Book and CD Sets.