Artist Profile:
Eric Marienthal
Eric Marienthal is just everywhere lately. coque iphone xr Touring with the Rippingtons keeps him very busy. coque iphone 2019 Of course so does touring with Chick Correa, or Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band. coque iphone Of course when Eric’s not on the road with these excellent musicians, he can be found in the studio working on numerous projects – including his own. coque iphone xs max He can also be found writing a new educational book on the saxophone, or transcribing solos for publication, or performing with a who’s who of elite LA studio musicians such as Russell Ferrante, Jimmy Haslip, Dave Carpenter, David Garfield, Roger Burn, and many others. coque iphone pas cher Eric also seems to find time each year to appear for the High Hopes Benefit Concert to help raise money for people with terrible head injuries. coque iphone 2019 It’s hard to imagine where he finds the time to accomplish so much. Eric has an incredible mastery of his instrument, and he combines this with a burning improvisational ability that is just out of this world. coque iphone xr
When you listen to Eric play, you will know just why he is in such high demand.